Copyright includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems, plays, films, musical works, works of art, drawings, paintings, photographs, sculptures, and architectural designs.
The expression “copyright” refers to the main act, with respect to the literary and artistic creations that can only be executed by the author or under his consent.
Copyright makes reference to the rights of the creative person of the artistic work, its author, which emphasizes the fact, recognized in most laws, that the author has certain specific rights in his creation, for example, the right to prevent a distorted reproduction that only he can exert , while other rights such as the right to make copies, can be exercised by other people, for example, a publisher who has obtained a license to do so from the author.
Our advisory services include the following areas:
- The registration of works in the Intellectual Property Offices and Offices of International Copyright.
- The Notarial deposit
- The elaboration and drafting of documents that determine the ownership of the rights.
- Authorization for use of third-party works.
- Strategic and contractual advice for the drafting and negotiation of contracts with producers, actors, models, advertisers, musicians, etc.
- Strategic advice for the protection of software and other computer solutions.
- Anti-piracy on the Internet: infringements of intellectual property rights.
- Registration of unpublished works and its editing.
- Registration of published works, periodical publications, the obtaining of ISBN, ISSN, statements of publications before competent authority .
- Approval and registration of contracts of transfer of intellectual works before the DNDA.
- Editing contracts, contracts of transfer of intellectual content, publication and use of images and other content of third parties, infraction of right to privacy and right to the image.
- Purchase and sale of intellectual content.
- Editorial responsibility for published content.
The following works published or unpublished are inscribed:
- Cinematographic, Musical compositions, Compilations, Choreographies, Drawings, Writings (books, brochures, etc.), Sculptures, Phonograms, Photographs, Maps, Multimedia, Architectural works, Dramatic works, Pantomimicas, Paintings, Plans, Radio programs, Television programs, Periodical publications, Software programs, Videograms.